1、你好 zb9001简历翻译的价格不菲,耗时也很多,网上估计不会花那么多时间帮助陌生人翻译的,一定是帮你用软件翻译的,效果极差。
2、建议你找专门的翻译公司,以免耽误求职 ,错漏百出的译文会给求职带来很大的影响。
3、以下是机器翻译的结果:Qualification 4 years production management experience and the oil industry experience in security risk assessment project English level: 4 ISO9001: 2000 and HACCP quality management system internal audit staff qualifications HSE health and safety environmental management system internal audit staff qualifications Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) Certificate II qualification Professional skills - Production Management and Control of the scene - Organization of ISO9001: 2000 and HACCP quality management system implementation and evaluation; - The quality of the product review and evaluation; - Of the production process to analyze problems and propose solutions; - Petro-chemical industry pipe and equipment to carry out the test and determine the security risks; - Familiar with the RBI security risk management system; - Familiar with the HSE management system and document continuous improvement; - Good presentation, in both Chinese and English speaking, reading and writing skills; - Can be issued in both Chinese and English inspection reports, reported to the Party for PPT; - Proficiency in Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, Phtoshop software Work experience In February 2008 to the present technology development Co., Ltd. Jobs: project manager CNOOC Tianjin Branch is responsible for offshore platforms, land-based treatment plant equipment and pipeline corrosion inspection and assessment of security risks, to assume the following items: BX operations CB-A / B platform, QK18-1/18-2/17-2/17-3 platform Boxi oil and gas terminal treatment plant, NB35-2CEP and WHPB platform, SZ36-1 land-based treatment plant operations and JZ20-2 oil and gas field safety testing of corrosion-site services; Bohai Sea oil terminal treatment plant pipe corrosion of buried pipe network security testing and risk assessment projects; oil platforms and end-product of the plant, corrosion testing and failure analysis analysis assessment; Oil (end) products MSDS (Chemical Safety Manual) To prepare; RBI to establish oil production systems for risk assessment system. 2005.7 - 2008.1 Vegetable Protein Co., Ltd. Jobs: Production Supervisor Responsible for plant production and management and operation of quality management system assessment; of raw materials and products testing and evaluation of quality. Work: led the development of production planning and implementation of the progress of production and material control and follow-up, statistical analysis of production data and submit; to strengthen the organization of production management, site management, process management and improve production efficiency and product quality; supervision ISO9001: 2000 and HACCP quality management system implementation and internal audit and external audit work; production is responsible for leading and implementing the site management to implement the 5S management standards (see 5S Management Manual), the implementation of visual management, 5S management standards to be responsible; the procedures and operations to ensure that the normal operation of a document, and continuously improve the system of document production operations in accordance with the standard production process, to keep the quality of the production process, and timely resolution of production problems; Department to assist the development of quality raw materials and product quality standards and their testing; review and dispose of nonconforming product and customer complaint handling; is responsible for monitoring and measuring device product acquisition, outsourcing control, signs, control and manage. organizations to receive the U.S. FDA audit of the factory, factory, through its audit;。
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